ENCLAVE H21 (Belgian)
The small, irregularly shaped Belgian enclave H21 is located between the Krommenhoek and Baarlebrug, near the Dutch isthmus that connects Castelré with the rest of Baarle-Nassau Read more
Local name: Baelbrugsche Beemden
Origin: originally 1198
No inhabitants (17 October 2016)
Area: 11,845 m²
Perimeter: 0.536 km
Not accessible by public road
The small, irregularly shaped Belgian enclave H21 is located between the Krommenhoek and Baarlebrug, near the Dutch isthmus that connects Castelré with the rest of Baarle-Nassau. The management of the pasture parcels is partly in the hands of Staatsbosbeheer, an organisation of the Dutch government. It is one of the few 'foreign' parcels of Staatsbosbeheer.