Enclave N3 (Dutch)

Molenstraat 98, Baarle-Hertog

N3 is worldwide the very smallest counter-enclave (an enclave in an enclave belonging to another state). Read more

local name: De Tommelsche Akkers

Origin: 1198

Number of residents: 3 (17 Oct. 2016)

Surface: 2.863 m²

Circumference: 0,218 km

N3 is worldwide the very smallest counter-enclave (an enclave in an enclave belonging to another state). The complex maze of the Baarle enclaves has always been puzzling to cartographers. As a consequence, enclave N3 has been missing for years on Google Maps despite the fact that it is clearly displayed by the old Ferraris map of circa 1775.

The border of enclave N3 crosses the liquor store ‘De Biergrens’ – speaking of cross border shopping within just one store! The national tricolours visualize this borderline on the storefront as well as inside the store. It has proven to be a prime spot for photographs. According to foreign media, ‘De Biergrens’ is an absolute must for visitors. The store has both a Dutch and Belgian address and phone number. Before the introduction of the euro it even held two tills: one for Dutch guilders and one for Belgian francs.

Molenstraat 98, Baarle-Hertog