Enclave H15 (Belgian)
Enclave H15 has not been parcelled up until the early seventies. Both municipalities developed a common network of streets and parcels, as if this enclave and its borders did not exist. Read more
local name: Boschcoven
Origin: 1198
Number of residents: 79 (17 Oct. 2016)
Surface: 17.211 m²
Circumference: 0,570 km
Enclave H15 has not been parcelled up until the early seventies. Both municipalities developed a common network of streets and parcels, as if this enclave and its borders did not exist. As a result, well designed parcels were created though many of these are divided by the enclave’s borders.
When in 1995 the enclave borders were finally established as official state borders, 43 residences seem to be located entirely or partly in enclave H15. Of these, 31 houses carry a Belgian number sign. The enclave border runs through the living room, kitchen, bedroom or bathroom of not less than 15 households. Watching a movie on a Dutch located tv when stretched out on a lounge in Belgium is just ordinary here!
Residents of Belgian households along the Nassaulaan using the front door can only leave there parcel by trespassing Dutch territory.