Enclave N1 (Dutch)
N1 is the largest Dutch counter-enclave (an enclave in an enclave belonging to another state). Read more
lcoal name: De Loversche Akkers - De Tommelsche Akkers
Origin: 1198
Number of residents: 21 (17 Oct. 2016)
Surface: 53.667 m²
Circumference: 1,356 km
N1 is the largest Dutch counter-enclave (an enclave in an enclave belonging to another state). With a distance of only 20.46 metres, N1 is worldwide the counter-enclave located closest to its motherland (in this case the Netherlands). From this point of view, enclave N1 is situated on the right side of the road. It’s border coincides with the middle of the street. The parking lot of the Culture Centre and the kennel training ground on the left side of the street are part of the Belgian enclave H1.
The residences further down the right side of the road stand in the Dutch enclave N1 whereas the back part of their gardens belong to the Belgian enclave H1. The parking lot across the street is part of the Dutch enclave N1, as are the tennis courts. This part of the street is entirely Dutch. The football fields adjacent to the parking lot lay on Belgian territory.
The croplands left of the road past the tennis courts belong to the Dutch enclave N1. Abeam these croplands the street is Dutch on one side and Belgian on the other.