ENCLAVE H5 (Belgian)


The L-shaped enclave H5 on Kapelstraat is a residential area with six houses: Kapelstraat 51 and Smederijstraat 12A, 12B, 14, 16 and 18. Read more

Local name: De Kapel Akkers
Origin: originally 1198
Inhabitants: 10 (17 October 2016)
Area: 9,245 m²
Perimeter: 0.535 km
Accessible by car via the public road

The L-shaped enclave H5 on Kapelstraat is a residential area with six houses: Kapelstraat 51 and Smederijstraat 12A, 12B, 14, 16 and 18. The northern side of the enclave runs right up to the company building of Systeembouw SPJ, Smederijstraat 10 in Baarle-Nassau. On the eastern side, the enclave boundary follows the edge of Smederijstraat. Both the footpath and the roadway are Dutch. The enclave residents can only enter their Belgian house via Dutch territory.
