Enclave H13 (Belgian)
When in 1995 the enclave borders were finally established as official state borders, 47 residences seem to be located entirely or partly in enclave H13. Read more
local name: Boschcoven
Origin: 1198
Number of residents: 93 (17 Oct. 2016)
Surface: 15.346 m²
Circumference: 0,507 km
When in 1995 the enclave borders were finally established as official state borders, 47 residences seem to be located entirely or partly in enclave H13. Of these, 35 houses carry a Belgian number sign. The enclave border cuts through 18 houses. Spouses find themselves dining each in different countries whilst sitting at the same dining table. Or prepare their meals in one country to eat it in the other.
Two Belgian lime trees in the Hertogenstraat are over a century old. The public green space is crossed by the border. After designing it, the Belgian and Dutch towns divide the maintenance tasks: Baarle-Hertog is to mow the lawn (including every Dutch blade of grass), and Baarle-Nassau takes care of both the Dutch and Belgian hedges. Dutch workmen hang up bags with Dutch ladybugs that feast on Belgian lice and hence prevent the latter from becoming an infestation on both sides of the border.